Assassin's Creed: Lineage short films made by Hybride Technologies (a post-production VFX studio acquired by Ubisoft) and Ubisoft Digital Arts used assets from Anvil to recreate the environment in which the live actors are filmed. Features added include a full night and day cycle, enhanced draw distance, the same vegetation technology used in Far Cry 2, improved lighting, reflection and special effects, new cloth system, and a new AI and NPC navigation system. Anvil has been improved for Assassin's Creed II. The engine uses Autodesk's HumanIK middleware to correctly position the character's hands and feet in climbing and pushing animations at run-time.

The Breakers are not afraid of death because death only makes them stronger when they are rebuilt.Claude Langlais, the technical director of Ubisoft Montreal, says that modeling is done in 3ds Max for environments and ZBrush for characters. Your Breakers will gain EXP during battle that will enhance their strength and give them new powers. They are rebuilt in ANVIL if they are destroyed during an exploration. You will be able to explore a combination of different playstyles by testing synergy between various artifacts and obtain powerful weapons to get the “ultimate” Breaker! # Death and RebirthThe Breakers enter combat with their mechanical body. # Artifacts and Vault WeaponsOver 100 randomly generated artifacts and dozens of weapons will make every session unique and different from previous sessions. They have maximized their combat capabilities to survive various threats that they may encounter on different planets.īreakers with unique abilities and skills are waiting to be selected. # BreakersThe Breakers are the seekers of Vaults. By defeating monsters and opening the Vaults, you will be able to utilize the stunning powers within. Each galaxy consists of random planets and unique boss monsters. Become a "Breaker" searching for “Vaults” and explore the unknown galaxy. # ANVILĪNVIL is an agency that searches for "Vaults”, the remnants of alien civilizations scattered throughout the universe. Find relics inside Vaults to increase Breaker's ability to survive and fight on this godforsaken galaxy. ANVIL is a multiplayer co-op top-down sci-fi roguelike action shooter where you control characters called Vault Breakers to explore various galaxies that are crawling with monsters.